Summer Camp of Art and Craft


Social Education and Liberty Foundation (NGO) with ISDP organized a Summer Camp of Art and Craft for students of all age ages for free of cost.
Objective: Though arts and craft is a good way to engage kids and can be fun activities for them, but you also have to ensure that with enjoyment different benefits are also provided to these students.
Vision and Mission
1. Art and Craft to boost kids’ creativity: Kids activities enhance their imagination and help them to develop their own perspective. Coming up with different and crafty makes them more thoughtful. Even many kid’s projects help them to become more inventive. This will help them to excel in life and education.
2. Creativity can make kids happier: Art and Craft is a great way to express ones emotion, it also makes people calmer and happier. It is a great way to resolve your problems and it channelizes your energy in something productive.
3. Arts and craft for kids is great for child development: Craft makes us learn many things like fine motor skills, coordination, shapes, colours, etc.
4. Focusing on crafty kids activities builds patience: As craft is very lengthy and includes complex procedures, so it teaches children patience and helps them to be calm in their long projects.