Orientation Training Programme on Legal Procedures for officers dealing with PWDVA, 2005 Act


Orientation Training Programme on Legal Procedures for officers dealing with PWDVA, 2005 Act. Mr. Inderjeet is nominated for this training session from 31st January, 2017 to 1st February, 2017.
The demand for a law on domestic violence was made with the aim to protect married women and also women in the shared households such as mothers, sisters and women in such kind of abusive relationships. The enactment of Protection of Women form Domestic Violence Act (PWDVA) in 2005 was one of the most important initiatives taken by the Indian government. The PWDVA, 2005 is a civil law that defines domestic violence, recognizes a women’s right to reside in a violence free home and also provide remedies in cases of violence at the hands of the husband or male-living partner.